
Carr Homes Builds In Differences You Can Feel

“Going green” has been a big buzzword in the news lately, and for good reason. Sustainable and eco-friendly practices are becoming increasingly important to help protect our planet. Here at CarrHomes, we have been using eco-friendly home building practices for years already because we understand just how vital those practices are. Our green building standards are not only better for the environment, but they also create a difference you can feel. This includes:

Energy Savings

The monthly utility bill can have a major impact on your budget — especially when the snow dumps down on our little corner of Virginia. We use energy-efficient building materials and other additions to help you keep your energy costs as low as possible, and we start those energy-saving measures from the first layer of home building. Our luxury home builders include things like slab insulation and band board insulation as a standard part of every luxury home we build. These measures help prevent heat loss through the floors and the perimeter of your home, which means you will not have to crank your heater to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Our home builders also include moisture inhibiting house wrap and an under slab vapor barrier to protect your home against moisture damage.

Our energy saving methods do not stop during the initial building stages, either. We also include energy-efficient appliances and a high-efficiency heating and cooling system in each home we build. We include these options because they use a greatly reduced amount of energy to operate. This saves you money, but it also reduces your home’s carbon footprint, meaning you also help conserve the resources necessary to generate energy. It’s a win-win.

Green Building Materials

As luxury home builders, the CarrHomes team recognizes that the smallest details are just as important as the foundation on which your home stands. We use sustainable and locally-acquired, natural materials as much as possible. This includes measures like:

  • Recycled carpet padding
  • Interior doors made from recycled material
  • Low-maintenance exterior finishes
  • Siding made from recycled materials
  • Paint low in volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions

The biggest benefit here is that many of the eco-friendly materials we use will never actually be seen. For example, recycled carpet padding does not need to look pretty as long as it can get the job done. The benefit is that most of the recycled or sustainable materials we use do not look visibly different from their non-sustainable counterparts. We use eco-friendly building materials wherever we can, but we do not sacrifice quality to do so. The ultimate goal is to use the best sustainable options to build homes that will provide lasting benefits. If you want further details on the sustainable building materials we use, our luxury home builders can explain further.

Ongoing Benefits

Not only do our eco-friendly building practices provide upfront benefits and help save the environment, the benefits extend far into the future. As we mentioned above, our sustainable building practices make our luxury homes more energy efficient. Obviously, the energy savings do not stop overnight; they will continue on for years to come as long as you keep your home well maintained. But that is not the only benefit. In addition, our sustainable practices mean ongoing water reduction, better air quality, and general durability improvements.


Energy-efficient appliances use less electricity to run, but they are also more economical with their water use. On top of that, building practices like insulating hot water pipes and creating more efficient plumbing system design means your sinks, showers, and toilets will use less water and energy.


Old ductwork may be rife with leaks or cracks that make an HVAC system work harder. Then, of course, there is the HVAC system itself. Modern, eco-friendly HVAC solutions minimize how much energy it takes to heat or cool your home. They also improve the air quality throughout the home, thanks to reduced air leakage not only with your HVAC system but also in how well your doors and windows seal.

Lasting Quality

Many of the composite and recycled materials used in sustainable building practices last much longer than non-green counterparts. For example, recycled-content decking lasts years (even decades) longer than a traditional wood deck. Even better, it does not need to be power washed, sanded, and re-sealed every few years.

Are you ready to experience the difference for yourself? Hamilton’s premier luxury home builders, CarrHomes, is here to help. Explore our currently available homes for sale, or give us a call to discuss your new home wishlist.