Homes for Immediate Delivery Yield Immediate Benefits
October 4 – No matter what they call them every builder has homes that are about to be (or already are) ready to move in. And, in most cases, – like the “option packages” car dealers offer, these homes for “quick” or “immediate delivery” are as good or better values than the one yet to be built, where you pick out all your upgrades individually. Why? For one you get to actually see the flooring, window treatments, the kitchen upgrades, and how much additional space that rear morning room adds, instead of just imagining them. Second, you don’t have to cross your fingers on what the interest rates will be after the election or a year from now. You can lock in today’s historically low rates, and then just forget about it. Best of all, you don’t have to wait through the sure-as-the-sun-comes-up, yet somehow un-anticipated, construction delays that drive us all nuts (yes, builders, too).
Visit CarrHomes’ immediate deliveries on our website at www.carrhomes.com