Moving Smoothly With Your Kids-Part 3
As a parent, there’s a massive difference between the dream of buying a new construction home and the reality. The dream is you work with your home builders to design a perfect house, the interest rate on your mortgage is laughably low, and the moving process for your kids is a breeze.
Then there’s the reality. But before you start panicking, take a deep breath and relax. Moving with children doesn’t have to be a waking nightmare. You know as well as we do that your kids can handle change, provided they are prepared for it properly. During the last few days, we’ve shared some useful tips for moving house easily with your kids. You’ll find part 1 here, and part 2 here. Keep reading for the third installment.
- When you’re in the process of moving, stuff will get forgotten, and that’s okay. You may think you need the preparedness level of a Navy SEAL, but you really don’t. If things like diapers, wipes, sippy cups, or other necessities get overlooked or accidentally packed, no worries. Just head over to your local drugstore or supermarket and get what you need.
- After you’ve made it into the new house, undoubtedly a few things will change. While change is okay, recognize the routines that your kids value and stick with them to maintain a sense of consistency. Familiar bedtime events or waffles on Sunday mornings will help to ease them into a new place.
- Speaking of change, a move can be a big source of insecurity, especially for younger children. They have to deal with stepping away from everything they have ever known and they may worry about losing other important things. Reassure them that, no matter where you move to, you’re always a constant in their lives.
- A new home equals new opportunities. Let your kids know that numerous adventures await with exploring new parks, trying restaurants they haven’t visited before, or visiting different attractions if you’re moving to a new area. Your new home will certainly have its share of novelties as well.
- If your move has taken you across the state or country, encourage your kids to share their experiences with friends and family “back home.” Regular postcards can be a fun way to stay connected, and social media allows them to share pictures of the new home and surrounding area.
- When you’re unpacking, be sure to do it carefully and deliberately. By unpacking everything in a rush, you end up knee-deep in clutter. All this will do is pile on stress to an already stressful situation.
- With unpacking, however, try to unpack and display important personal items sooner rather than later. Showing off familiar keepsakes or family pictures can transform a house into a home much faster.
- Lastly, after you’ve managed the herculean task of unpacking, you might be tempted to recycle all of your moving boxes. Hang onto a few of them. Unless you’re never planning to move again, you’ll need boxes in the future. Better yet, cardboard boxes make for excellent hiding spots, forts, and tunnels for your kids!