What To Do Before You Buy
During the last few years, there has been a huge surge in interest towards buying a new construction home. It’s easy to see why that’s such an attractive option. You have the opportunity to work with the builder and make choices regarding the interior and exterior, you don’t have to take over the problems of the previous homeowner, and you and your family are able to be the first ones to live inside a pristine new house.
However, only recently has the price point dropped to the degree in which an average person can afford to partner with a builder to have a new home built. That being the case, remember that most home buying advice you’ll read or hear about is geared towards those who are buying a home that already exists. For many people, buying a house is complex enough, and the process of having a new home built can add an extra layer of complexity.
It doesn’t have to be complex, however. Keep reading for a few things to consider before you sign on the dotted line.
- Remember that your home isn’t just the place that you come to after work for dinner and bedtime. It also incorporates the neighborhood that your house is in. Take time to visit the community first. You can find out how the homeowner’s association works, take a closer look at the quality of the homes, and see what amenities are in the neighborhood. For a totally unvarnished opinion, it’s worth your time to talk to the neighbors and see what they think. They’ll be able to let you know what they like, don’t like, and the little idiosyncrasies found in the area.
- Just because you’re not buying a pre-existing home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work with a real estate agent. Usually, the seller will pay the commission, so it won’t cost you anything. Plus, a solid agent will be able to give you lots of useful advice about the area, school districts, and information about mortgage lenders and builders.
- Speaking of builders, do your due diligence and research your builder before committing. While most builders have been in business for years and have a solid track record, a few do not. A little bit of time spent online can get you their information from state licensing boards, opinions from past clients on review sites, and local court records to see if the builder has ever run into legal trouble. A word of advice about review sites. These days, people can and will complain about anything due to unrealistic standards. One bad review doesn’t necessarily mean anything. But if lots of different people are saying the same thing, it’s wise for you to pay attention.
- Unless you’re wealthy, you’ve got a limited budget, and you need to make smart choices about what you spend it on. Initially, consider spending money on location and square footage instead of upgrades. If your choice is between adding another bedroom or having nicer flooring, choose the bedroom. Later on, it will be highly expensive to have another bedroom or bathroom added on. Upgrading flooring or countertops can be done anytime, and it’s not always terribly expensive.
By following these tips, you can be confident that you’re starting off prepared. Come back soon for more useful information.